XC Results from Texas Tech Open

XC Results from Texas Tech Open

The WTC cross country teams competed in the Texas Tech Open at the old Lubbock Christian Golf Course.

The men's team started off the early morning competition. Jesse Ortiz, Alberto Bejarano, and Andrew Rueda led the team to a 7th place finish, by all finishing within 5 seconds of each other and placing in the top 20. This was all of their first time racing an 8K. "The men competed well on a tough course and against some really good competition. Now that they have a feel for the race distance the only place they can go is up"...Coach Campos. 

The women's team was led by Jackline Kwambai who place 17th overall. "We didn't have all of our ladies this morning, but the one's we took did a really good job of representing the program. Just like the men, they ran a tough course and they competed just as well as the previous week, if not better"...Coach Campos.