Prior to Arriving on Campus
One week prior to arriving on campus, student-athletes will begin recording daily symptom and temperature checks. If any student-athlete meets the CDC requirements for suspicion for Covid-19 that student-athlete must see a physician and be cleared by the individual physician’s protocols prior to admission onto campus. The physician’s medical clearance must be forwarded to the athletic trainer prior to leaving home.
- Any student-athlete who has tested positive for COVID-19 must have recovered and have a physician’s release specific to the COVID-19 illness. This release must be forwarded to the athletic trainer prior to leaving home.
- DO NOT report to campus if you are currently ill with COVID-19, in the process of being tested for COVID-19 or having had COVID-19 and recovered without having medical documentation indicating you may resume normal athletic activities.
- Any student-athlete who flies in will need to also wear a face covering the entire trip until arriving in their residence hall.
- Individual team sports coaches are to impress on their student-athletes the importance of being compliant and ensuring that these procedures are followed.
After Arriving on Campus
- Once arriving on campus, the student-athlete must have their temperature checked upon entry to the campus and turn in the COVID-19 athletic self-monitoring form to their coach.
- If the student-athlete or any passenger of the vehicle presents with suspicion for COVID-19 they will not be allowed to enter campus. The student athlete should notify the coach for further guidance. The student-athlete should not leave their vehicle until being contacted by the Vice President / Dean of Student Services.
- If the student-athlete is flying in they must turn in their COVID-19 self-monitoring form to whomever is picking them up and have their temperature checked upon entry to campus. They should be prepared to either return home or quarantine themselves off campus until cleared medically if they arrive with COVID-19 symptoms.
- Anyone that presents with COVID-19 symptoms will follow campus procedures for handling potential cases of COVID-19 including anyone that individual has recently been in contact with.
- Individual team sports coaches are to impress on their student-athletes the importance of being compliant and ensuring that these procedures are followed.
Student Services and Life on Campus
- Student-athletes will be informed of, understand and abide by all procedures set in place by student services including while in the residence halls, cafeteria, classroom and other areas on and off campus.
- Student-athletes should plan and be prepared to wear face coverings while in public spaces and utilize proper hygienic disinfecting practices recommended by the CDC such as frequent hand washing/sanitation, not touching their faces and socially distancing themselves whenever possible.
- Student-athletes will follow and adhere to all procedures set forth by Western Texas College including in the classroom, cafeteria and residence halls.
- Student-athletes should plan on staying on campus as much as possible and in their designated rooms until methods of containing COVID-19 become more sustainable nationwide.
- Anyone meeting the criteria of a potential case of COVID-19 will follow campus procedures for handling potential cases of COVID-19 including anyone that individual who has recently been in contact with.
WTC Athletic Training Department Procedures During Pandemic
Athletic Training Room Procedures:
- Each team will have a scheduled Pre-Practice time in the training room. There will also be a schedule for individual athlete treatment and Rehab.
- Individual venues will have training facilities to perform pre practice rehabs and treatments as necessary and available.
- A maximum of 5 athletes at a time allowed in the training room. Athletes will need to schedule time for treatment and rehab.
- Athletes will enter through the main entrance and remain in the waiting room until called by a member of the WTC Athletic Training Staff.
- Athletes will be required to wash their hands properly and wear a mask while in Athletic Training Room.
- Athletes will need to shower prior to entering the training room.
- No athletic equipment will be allowed into the training room. Athletes will be required to wear appropriate shorts and shirts while in the training room, unless treatment or rehab exercises necessitate otherwise.
- Use of the whirlpool tub will not be authorized unless permitted by a Licensed athletic trainer. If used, the tub will be for single use, then will be drained, cleaned and sanitized. The cold tubs/ice baths will not be permitted as social distance and sanitation protocols are not possible.
- All tables and equipment will be disinfected after every use. Daily disinfecting of the training room will be completed.
- All treatment tables and treatment areas have proper social distancing in place.
- WTC Athletic Trainers staff will be responsible for the proper flow of the athletes entering and exiting the training room.
- WTC Athletic Training staff will be required to follow CDC guidelines during treatment of student-athletes.
Student Trainer Procedures
- Student trainers must follow the same entry procedures as everyone else, including using hand sanitizer, a facemask, taking temperature and performing a symptom check.
- Student trainers must come in, complete their task and leave. There will not be any “hanging out” in the athletic training room.
- Student trainer who are in the training room will complete various tasks. These tasks include but are not limited to:
- Regular cleaning and disinfecting of common use areas such as entry area, doorknobs, ice scoops, etc.
- Cleaning and disinfecting tables and equipment between uses.
- Other everyday tasks and expectations included with athletic training room coverage and tasks as assigned.
- Student trainers must limit physical contact with any athletic training room supplies and equipment beyond what is needed to complete their daily tasks and clean and sanitize anything they come into contact with.
- While at practices, student trainers are to:
- Fill individual athlete water bottles so that the athletes do not come into contact with the coolers.
- Assist coaching staff with regular disinfecting of common use equipment.
- Other everyday student trainer expectations included with their team coverage.
- Once practice sessions are completed, student trainers will be expected to clean and sanitize any and all equipment that was used for the day.
- Student trainers need to be prepared to accept other duties as assigned as need arises.
COVID-19 Illness Procedures
WTC Athlete Daily Screening Procedures for WTC Student Athletes:
- WTC Student Athletes are required to complete the online COVID-19 questionnaire through the Rank One system daily.
- A designated screening process will be followed for individual team practices. A WTC designee will take the athletes' temperature and review the COVID-19 Questionnaire.
- A WTC designee will clear each athlete to practice. They must have completed the COVID-19 questionnaire and meet the CDC requirements for body temperature
Procedures for Exposure or suspicion of COVID-19:
- If a student-athlete begins to have COVID symptoms they should immediately self-quarantine and contact their head coach and the training staff.
- Anyone who needs to quarantine will necessitate that the roommate to that person quarantines as well.
- A remote COVID interview will take place to determine if further screening is necessary and document any potential exposure to others.
- Upon conclusion of the screening interview, the information gathered will be given to the VP/Dean of Students and Athletic Director.
- If symptoms have been verified and if determined by the VP/Dean of Students and AD a COVID-19 test will be required.
- While waiting on test results the student-athlete and roommate will remain in quarantine.
- If others are identified as being exposed they will be quarantined.
- All identified through the COVID interview will remain in quarantine until the test results from the original person’s test have been returned.
- If positive – will follow CDC and WTC guidelines for quarantine.
- If negative will release all who are in quarantine through communication by a WTC designee.
- Any student in quarantine will have their meals delivered by a resident assistant.
- A daily temperature and screening questions will be completed by a member of the coaching staff while in quarantine.
- The decision to quarantine and length of time in quarantine will be determined by the VP/Dean of Students and Athletic Director based on CDC and WTC guidelines and will be communicated through those offices.
- Any student-athlete who is quarantined will be asked to contact their families to let them know that they have been placed in quarantine.
- Any student-athlete who is quarantined will be asked to contact their instructors to let them know that they are unable to attend class.
Return to Play
- In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to play/practice when the following criteria are met:
- 10 days have passed since following a positive test result
- 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever symptoms without the use of fever-reducing medications)
- No further COVID symptoms
- If the individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to play/practice before completing the above quarantine period, the individual must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis.
- If individual was quarantined due to exposure to a positive individual, COVID testing of that individual must not take place until 5 days minimum have passed following exposure.
Team Activities
Individualized Team Procedures
Individual coaching staffs will evaluate their daily routines to identify, plan for and implement procedures of change for their respective teams to include any area above and beyond this action plan utilizing the most current and up to date data from the CDC, NJCAA, Western Texas College and the Governor of Texas.
- Once on campus, student-athletes will need to be prepared to submit a daily COVID-19 questionnaire and have their temperature checked.
- This will need to be completed prior to any physical activity to allow for accurate temperature readings.
- A positive COVID-19 questionnaire or a temperature check should be immediately reported to the athletic trainer and head coach. WTC COVID protocols will be followed at this point.
- Anyone meeting the criteria for exposure or suspicion of COVID-19 will follow WTC protocol for potential cases of COVID-19.
- Individual team sports coaches are to impress on their student-athletes the importance of being compliant and ensuring that these procedures are followed.
- Sanitizing supplies will be accessible for all practices and games.
- Maintenance and custodial staff have begun and will continue enhanced cleaning and sanitation of campus including all athletics facilities on a regular basis.
- Coaches should plan to perform drills in smaller groups while implementing social distancing protocols when possible and possibly shorten practices to lessen the chance for exposure.
- Individual water bottles will be provided to each student-athlete. Student-athletes are responsible to bring water bottle to any team practices or competitions. Water bottles must be cleaned daily by the student-athlete. Sharing of water bottles is strictly prohibited.
- Student-athletes should plan to arrive and immediately leave when practices have completed and not congregate in common areas such as the gymnasium lobby or hallway, locker rooms, bench areas or dugouts.
- If able, coaches of indoor sports should plan outdoor activities, when possible, in order to lessen the amount of time individuals spend indoors together. When indoors, opening doors to allow for fresh airflow is recommended.
- Student-athletes who are healthy and do not present with any of the COVID-19 symptoms are expected to participate in everyday planned team activities.
Competition - Home Games
- When entering the Athletic Facility, all visiting teams and those in the travel party will complete the COVID-19 screening process which includes having their temperature checked, and then be escorted to their designated locker room or bench area. (As long as temperature checks are required)
- Once in the locker room or bench area, they will be restricted to that area, court, field during their time in WTC Athletic facilities. They will not be allowed to “roam”.
- Visiting teams will coordinate with the WTC Head Trainer for athletic training services. Whenever possible a training station will be set up in their team area.
- Visiting teams will be responsible for providing their own towels
- Disposable cups and water will provided on the bench area for visiting team.
- All locker rooms and bench areas will be disinfected and cleaned the day before competition and also following the competition.
- Post-game high 5s or handshakes will not occur to allow for proper social distancing protocols.
- Once game has concluded, student-athletes are required to leave facility as soon as able.
- Hand sanitizers are provided behind the benches in the gyms and in dugouts at the baseball and softball fields and will be with the COVID bags for the soccer, track, golf and rodeo teams.
- Great Western Dining will provide food services to the visiting team when applicable and arranged ahead of time.
- Visiting teams who have a member of their travel party who develops symptoms during the competition will be quarantined to a designated area.
Away Games
- Prior to leaving a Certified Athletic Trainer will perform a COVID-19 screening of all student-athletes and members of the traveling group including coaches, student trainers and managers.
- Travel squad will be limited to essential personnel only; players, coaches & athletic trainers.
- If a certified trainer travels a student athletic trainer will not go.
- Players who are not eligible to be in uniform or those who are injured will not be allowed to travel.
- Stops between destinations will be limited to essential needs only.
- Meals on the road will be limited to pick-up or delivery only. No sit down meals.
- Whenever available a 2nd vehicle will go with the team in order to provide transportation in case of need to transport a member or the staff or team back to campus.
- If any member of the traveling group has a positive symptom with a fever of 100.4 F or higher, the coach needs to contact both the athletic trainer and the Athletic Director. That individual should then quarantine themselves away from the rest of the traveling group in a designated area and the traveling group should stay in place until both the individual and traveling group are informed otherwise from the Athletic Director.
- Once the team arrives at the game site, the host team’s procedures should be observed for any member of the traveling group who begins to show symptoms with a fever of 100.4 F or higher.
- Face coverings will be worn while traveling. Buses will have enhanced cleaning and sanitation between uses.
- No overnight travel allowed.
- Social distancing will be followed as much as possible.
- Cleaning and sanitization supplies will need to be taken on every road trip in the COVID team bag.
- Pre-Season and Off-Season scrimmages will be limited to Three (3) hours travel from Snyder.
- Any travel over three (3) hours must first have Athletic Director approval and will be on a case by case basis.
- No overnight travel will be permitted.
- Only eligible and non-injured student-athletes will be allowed to travel. One trainer may travel, but managers will not travel.
Weight Room/Fitness Center
- Student-athletes will be required to follow the fitness center guidelines when in the building on their own time.
- Exceptions will not be made to accommodate student-athletes when using the facilities during designated “open public” times.
- Equipment should not be used without being sanitized between users.
- Disinfecting wipes or spray will be made available for disinfecting equipment between uses.
- Hand sanitizer will be available for disinfecting of hands when needed.
- Designated team time in the facility – team will disinfect any equipment used upon completion of the workout.
Team Meetings/Study Halls
- Team meetings should be planned where social distancing guidelines can be followed.
- The length of team meetings should be limited to decrease the amount of time individuals spend indoors with each other.
Cleaning Gear/Equipment
- Cleaning and disinfecting supplies will be provided in the team COVID-19 bag to be used for individual sports equipment. (volleyball, soccer balls, basketballs, dummies, etc….)
- The Athletic Training Department, custodial staff and college staff will make sure that practice gear and equipment are kept clean and disinfected on a daily basis.
- Chairs, scorer’s table, basketball goals or any permanent structure will be cleaned by the appropriate personnel.